Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Back to the Chemo Regimen

The liver function tests results were all back in the normal range this morning...THANK YOU, LORD!, but this also means beginning another round of chemo. After taking his time getting there, Ray checked into the hospital around 2:30 this afternoon. While he was in the admissions office, the Dr.'s office even called his cell phone asking where he was and if he'd changed his mind about going to the hospital. The nurse told him she was considering calling for the troops to "hunt him down." Understandably so, he was NOT wanting to start another round, but at the same time knows he has no choice.

This snow! What a mess! Now, they're calling for more, more and possibly more over the next week. The groundhog is even saying six more weeks of winter. Amy, I'm with you, please find that furry, rodent groundhog and shoot him!

Amber and Brooke (15 months) were here last night and today for a Dr. appt. There were some concerns with possible heart problems for Brooke. But the cardiologist said everything is fine, perfectly normal, AOK!! More answered prayers.

More later.
Love you all,


alice said...

Raymond and Kimmie,
What good news today! Thanks. We are so happy that chemo can continue and that Brooke is healthy.
Prayers and much love,
Alice and Doug

Unknown said...

Good luck with this next round. It'll go by so fast and before you know it you guys will be back in Maryland!! Prayers always.
Love to all, Michele and Gene

David and Mary Lynn said...

YEAH! Good news for you all!

Our prayers are with you as you begin your next round.

Hang in there!!!!

Love always,
David and Mary Lynn