Friday, February 26, 2010

One Small Step

The WBC once again increased by another tenth of a point. The Dr. said that it would great to have incremental increases, but we're encouraged by even these small ones. A push for more protein in the diet has begun. We'll be adding protein powder to food and drinks for starters. The dietition is also adding some protein snacks. It's going to be difficult when there's no desire to eat.

Still sleeping most of the time, and says he's got so much sleep to catch up on. About the only time he's awake is to eat, get a drink and use the bathroom. I usually have to wake him up to eat. We did manage to convince him he needed to shower today. He really didn't need to, but we hoped it would invigorate him. By the time he finished and dressed he was ready to pass out from exhaustion so I hurried to get him back in bed.

As far as Mary and Daniel, I try to keep life as normal as possible for them...whatever the heck normal is. Daniel is participating in a history fair @ WTAMU tomorrow. Also on his team are three of his classmates, who do not have their project ready. So tonight they'll be working until the eleventh hour, I'm sure. Mary is going to "A Night at the Museum" that is being held at the American Quarter Horse Museum for four hours tonight. Something I signed her up for a few weeks ago, having no idea all this other stuff would be going on in our lives. Don't know what I was thinking, but it's a good distraction for them.

Had lunch todaywith Gary & Peggy. Gary is one of Ray's cousins (Mother's side) from Tucumcari, NM. His mom LaRose, Ray's aunt just moved into a nursing home yesterday. We had a good chance to catch up.

Have a blessed weekend.
Love you all,

1 comment:

Journey on... said...

This is Sarah Park. I just wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers! God Bless!