Sunday, February 21, 2010

Needing Some Good News

We're hoping for some good news an improved white blood count. I'm worried Ray is getting depressed and tired. He spent most of today in bed sleeping, getting up only when I was there to force him out. Even then he'd get up (after arguing) and even do some exercises, but then fall back in bed and sleep. His appetite is still poor, weight loss becoming a concern.

His room is at the end of a quiet hall that has large windows. Tomorrow I'm planning to get him out to those windows (with a mask on, of course) for as long as he'll endure. Hopefully, we'll see some sunshine, but the forecast sounds as though we'll have clouds and snow. No matter what the weather, the change of scenery can't hurt. Those four walls are really closing in on him.

Thanks for your prayers.
Love you all,


alice said...

Raymond and Kimmie,
Our prayers continue. Hopefully today will see some improvement. We will be thinking of you.
Much love,
Alice and Doug

Unknown said...

How did the plan go for food??? Keep up the good work, Kimmie. Remember to take care of yourself too!
Love ya, Michele and Gene