Thursday, February 25, 2010

Any Improvement?

We look for any improvement, no matter how small. The white blood cell count is one-tenth of a point higher today. I asked the Dr. if he's encouraged at all by that. His response is that's really no change, but let's be hopeful that it's the beginning of an upward trend. So we'll wait and see what tomorrow's counts bring.

Everything else is about the same as yesterday. The second dose of the new antibiotic went pretty much the same as yesterday. He's has fever spikes as the drug is being administered and also some slight shaking. The nurses tell him he's handling it very well. Pre-meds (Demerol & Benadryl) are given before this drug is started, making it easier to tolerate.

His appetite is still poor. I did manage to get him to eat some homemade chicken soup tonight that I brought in for him. Strawberry Ensure has been his staple food. Yum!

Love you all,

1 comment:

Michele S. said...

Psalm 116:10 I kept faith, even when I said, "I am greatly afflicted!"

Keep the faith and remember that heaven is being stormed with prayers for all your needs.

Michele S.