Monday, January 25, 2010

A Little Improvement

The liver function tests today shows a little improvement....very little, but improvement nonetheless. The Dr. said we should wait another week before he tests again, but is hopeful that by next week things will be well enough that chemo treatment can begin again. Ray returns for tests on Tues. Feb. 2. We're trying so hard to be patient and yet we feel once again we're in a race with time.

We were certainly disappointed, but are grateful that Ray is feeling well. We had a busy weekend, even made it to Naz for my uncles', twins Jerry & James 80th birthday party. It was great to get to see and visit with so many relatives and friends. We also had the opportunity to attend a memorial service at the Texas Panhandle War Memorial honoring 31 from the Texas Panhandle killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Wow! A very moving ceremony. That certainly helps keep things in perspective.

We don't expect any change until next Tues., but if there is, I'll let you know.

Love you all,


Michele S. said...

Hang in there and remember that God's time is always the right time. I lift you all up in prayer daily.

Michele S.

alice said...

Raymond and Kimmie,
Nice to hear the good news. We continue our prayers for all of you.
Alice and Doug

Gia said...

Baby steps are steps:) It is hard to hold on to that when you are in a race against time.
However, as Michele said, God's time is not ours and I am confident He is watching you race to holiness through all this.
Thanking God for you always,