Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Not Much Change

Still running a low grade fever, so the antibiotic routine has been tweaked. One was dropped and another one added. The infection spec. told us today that he has Ray on a "scorcher therapy" --meaning the drugs he's on should be taking care of any infection he could possibly have, so he should not be running a fever anymore. Maybe this tweaking will make a difference.

Three transfusions (two of packed red blood cells and one of platelets) were given during the night and early this morning--white blood count still non-existent. We were able to get him in the shower this afternoon and then he sat in the recliner for a while. Probably the transfusions is what gave him the energy for that. He's still sleeping a lot during the day.

As I'm reading back over this I'm thinking it's rather dull. Maybe tomorrow there will be more exciting news. I'm really tired.

Love you all,


Gia said...

Never doubt the intensity with which this blog is read and yes sometimes reread. There is nothing dull about the journey you and Ray are on at the moment. We remain ever thankful for the opportunity to share in prayer and love this journey with you.
Love you,

Unknown said...

Make sure you are not getting too run down. Take care of yourself too!
Love ya,
Gene and Michele

alice said...

Kimmie and Raymond,
Thanks for your updates. They help so much in our prayers for you and your family. We love you very much.
Alice and Doug