Thursday, February 4, 2010

Doing Well

Ray has been doing well. His energy is pretty good. We walked the halls a couple times today, stopping at the windows, marveling at the latest snowfall. A little over 5 inches fell so beautifully last night. The trees were flocked so pretty this morning, making it look more like Christmas. Thankfully, driving wasn't too bad. You know, that makes close to 20" of snow in the past 8 days; with more on the way. I know, I know, "we need the moisture!" Some of the parking lots around town have mountains of snow in them.

He's also able to read for pleasure again. He's always loved to read when he had time, but during much of his treatment these past 18 months, due to lack of energy and stamina just could not concentrate on reading. It's good he can catch up on that.

Other than that, not much else happening.
Love you all,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If he gets a chance....I don't know if he ever got to read the book I gave him "The Time It Never Rained", he will really like it. It talks about that whole area and the dust storms of many years ago. Glad to hear he is doing so well!
Love to all,
Michele and Gene