Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl Sunday

Today is the last day of the chemo flowing into the body. Blood counts are all still fairly good; not great, but good. His Doc was not on call this weekend, so each day another Doc paid him a visit. Our plans are for him to go home tomorrow since he's doing so well, but we'll have to see if his Dr. sees things the same as we do. Appetite is as good as ever. In fact he called me this morning around 8:15 (I was still in bed) requesting some menudo be brought to the hospital. He loves that stuff, (the smell reminds me of walking through the pigpen as a kid) so I picked some up from his favorite restaurant, and brought it to him. As you can tell, he's doing good. We hope and pray it continues.

Daniel and a couple of his friends are watching the Super Bowl at our house tonight. Well, they're not just watching the game, there's lots of eating and some running around the house going on too. It's fun to see them having fun. I've always loved it when the kids have friends over. It's certainly a good way to get to know their friends. I'm watching the game a little, (mostly the ads) and eating more than I should. Why do we think occasions such as this are a good reason to overeat?

Love you all,

1 comment:

buzz said...

Kim & Ray, I'm so thankful that today is the last day of chemo! I hope & pray that he will not get as sick this time as he as in the past. Prayers continue, Buzz.