Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Fever Troubles

With a persistent fever, and the fever spikes occurring more frequently it's become obvious the current assortment of antibiotics is just not cutting it. Today the two Docs, (oncologist & infection Dr.) decided "it's time to pull out all the stops". The antibiotic, amphotericin known as one of the "big guns" was started. He's just now finishing up the first dose, and has to be monitored closely while it's being administered. We're told it rough stuff to take, but it's good stuff... it works. He also received a transfusion of platelets and packed red blood cells this morning.

He really needs for all the blood counts to come up and it's just not happening. Pray hard.

Love you all,

1 comment:

Becky said...

Praying hard continues throughout my day. Love you guys,
Becky and Robert