Monday, February 15, 2010

Slow Progress

Things are just not progressing as quickly as we wish they were. A few of the problems...low grade fever which spikes periodically for no apparent reason; very fatigued due to dangerously low blood counts; because of stomach issues, he's on a clear liquid diet and has been since last Wed. As of this afternoon, he's taking 6 antibiotics. I got the chance today to speak with the infection specialists about all these meds. Basically he said, Ray is so "immune compromised" right now, and because of the temp. we cannot take any risks. Maybe in a few days we'll back off of one or two of the antibiotics. He also said these are "heavy duty antibiotics" and may be part of the reason for the stomach issues. One thing for sure, there's no room left on his I.V. pole to hang another bag. It's a good thing he's still got such good veins. There's so much going in, that the port can't take it all so another peripheral I.V. line was started this evening. Oh yeah, he's also receiving blood and platelet transfusions.

Katie and Jenna flew back to College Station this afternoon. It was hard for them to go and hard for me to let them go. It was great having them here, the time just went by too quickly. Glad Ray wasn't in CCU the entire time they were here, giving them more time to spend with him.

Doug and Alice were by for a short visit today. They'll be heading back to Denver tomorrow. Mary and Daniel were out of school today for President's Day. Daniel's already saying he's going to think of an excuse to stay home tomorrow. Days off only make it harder for him to go back.

Love you all,


Gia said...

Kim, thank you so much for keeping us posted on the blog. I check it two or three times a day.
There is no way I would risk being around you, let alone Ray at this time. I have a cold with a lingering cough to annoy anyone not feeling sorry for me.
You, Ray and your dear family are held very close in prayer and we pray for better days when we can see you again.
Love, Kim

~BrunetteinTexas~ said...


I was sad and glad to see you at the hospital the other day. I hope Ray is much improved by now! You are in my thoughts and prayers constantly.