Saturday, February 20, 2010

More of the Same

Friday and Saturday blood counts are pretty much the same...the white blood count which we need to come up so badly remains in the basement. Each day we expect for it to start climbing, but it's just not happening. The Dr. told us it's still too dangerous for him to even leave his room, much less the hospital.

He's still very weak and spends a lot of time sleeping, but also complains that he's not getting any sleep. I brought some 1# weights to the hospital this morning and told him he's got to start doing some simple exercises and weightlifting. Daniel and I helped him do some exercises this morning, then later Amber came into town, she did some with him, and then this evening Andy went by and exercised with him. Hopefully tomorrow we'll be able to do the same. He's beginning to sink into that mattress, and I don't like the looks of it.

Appetite is still very poor. The dietitian gave him a "talkin' to" yesterday about eating more and maintaining his weight. I'm hoping these exercises will also help improve that. I tell him I'll bring him ANYTHING he wants to eat, but his answer is always the same--"nothing." That's changing tomorrow...I've been cooking and I've got plans.

Love you all,


Unknown said...

Oh look out Mama's got plans and I don't know but that kinda scares me. Watch out Raymond!!
Love you guys!
Michele and Gene

Gia said...

You go girl!
Kim know that we pray for you as much as Ray. That head of the family cannot do with out the heart of the family. You make sure you ask for help when you need it.
Love you and thank God for you always,