Wow! I didn't realize so many many days had slipped passed since I last posted. So how about a brief update on the patient and other happenings at the Husemans'.
Ray is still in the hospital with all the blood counts bottomed out. This morning he was given two more transfusions--one unit of platelets and one of packed red blood cells. I asked him if he'd started asking the Dr. when he could possibly be going home. He hadn't asked, and just looked at me and said he wasn't ready to go home yet. I was sure hoping by now he'd be stronger and his counts on an upward trend. Since he's not itching to get out of there, that tells me he has a ways to go yet. I continue to ask the Lord for patience for me and strength and healing for Ray.
Andy and Britteny's wedding was beautiful. God has truly blessed us with another beautiful daughter-in-law. Ray was able to watch the entire! from his hospital room, via webstream. Joe and Andy worked hard setting this up, and Joe did a fantastic job with the camera during the ceremony. Modern technology--isn't it great?
Mary and Daniel will be back in school tomorrow morning. Katie and Jenna left this morning for College Station. Soon we'll be settled in our usual routine (whatever that is). After a whirlwind weekend full of holiday cheer, out of town wedding, numerous kids, grand kids, nieces, nephews, brothers and sisters in and out of our house; this afternoon we had no choice but to clean house and do laundry. As of now, it's looking as though we might be able to salvage the house, so please come back and visit again real soon.
Throughout the holidays and the wedding we were reminded many, many times of how we are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends. We truly do love each and every one of you, and daily thank God for you!
Love you all,