Friday, October 30, 2009


The CT scan shows that the nodules in the lungs, otherwise known as the bacterial infection have been unaffected by these past four weeks of IV antibiotics. In fact, the nodules are larger today than they were a month ago. We are currently waiting to hear from the infection spec. about what to do next. We're told there are many factors involved when dealing with infection when the patient is "immune suppressed" making it more difficult to hit with the best antibiotic.

Our hearts sank as we listened to these results. Mostly because this postpones the chances of a transplant, and at least four weeks have been wasted--the best we can tell. We hope to learn more soon. But now it's the weekend.

We're going to Booker in the morning to spend Sat. and Sun. with Amber, Steve and kids. Kyler turns 13 on October 31st, and there's lots going on in that little town for Halloween.

Love you all,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh gosh, maybe they learned something from this whole treatment
that will help them know what to do now. Keep your chins up, there are a lot of smart people working on the case. Prayers always.
Love Michele and Gene