Saturday, October 10, 2009

Into the ER

About 4:00 this morning we headed to the ER due to horrific pain that Ray was having on the right side of his chest. The pain was so bad, he could barely take a breath. If you recall, the surgery he had two weeks ago was on the LEFT side, so we couldn't imagine what could possibly be going on. The ER Dr. quickly suspected a blood clot in the lung, and a CT scan proved him correct. Now it looks as though he'll be spending a few days in the hospital again. He's going to be on blood thinners to dissolve the clot and to keep more clots from forming. We're told this is not uncommon after surgery and to be thankful that he had pain-- forcing action.

At the moment the pain is manageable, thanks to a morphine pump and Ray is able to get some sleep.

More later,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We are praying for the pain to go away as well as the clot. I've heard these are very painful. Hang in there and do what the Dr.s want. Looks like things are going as planned.
Love you guys, Michele and Gene