Sunday, October 25, 2009

Blessed Weekend

I hope everyone had a blessed weekend. We certainly have. Ray has been feeling so good, at times we tend to forget all this is going on. His hair is growing back, his color is good. As always, his appetite is good. I need to get another picture of him on here.

He is very pleased with the way the auction went. There was a great crowd. The auctioneers even commented a couple times to me about the good number of registered bidders there. However, it was really hard seeing all his equipment being parted out. It's one of those "smile when you want to cry" experiences. Friday and Saturday were pick up days for items bought to be loaded out of the shop. This afternoon, we stopped by the shop, I think just to see if it were really true. The building is completely empty. Lots of mixed emotions through it all.

The appt. with the oncologist last Fri. went well. Blood counts all good. Just a few more days left of the IV antibiotics. A CT scan is scheduled for Thurs. afternoon, we'll get the results Fri. morning. We pray that bacterial infection in the lungs is outta here, so he can be finished with the IV therapy.

We had eight of Mary's classmates here for a slumber party Friday night. There was much giggling and activity as you can imagine. It really did our "ole" hearts good. The girls seem to have a great time too.

Thanks again for your continued prayers!

Love you all,

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