Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I want to tell you all about something very exciting. My neice, Melissa (Barbara's daughter) is training to run her very first marathon in Houston, this coming January. She's raising money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and she's running in Ray's honor. You can check out her sponsorship page by clicking on http://pages.teamintraining.org/txg/houston10/mrigas
Wow! 26.2 miles, that's a long way! God bless you, Melissa!

Ray continues doing well. The four hours of antibiotics each day is getting really old for him. He's counting the days for this to be done. He's been at his shop quite a bit the past few days. His auction will be Thursday.

Mary's birthday is today. She's planning to have some friends over on Friday. N0thing could be more exciting for this 9 year old!

Love you all,


Unknown said...

Tell Mary I said Happy Birthday!! Tell Ray Good Luck with the auction! Take care not to over do it.
Love Michele and Gene

David and Mary Lynn said...

Good luck with the auction!!! We'll say a prayer that things go quite well. And tell Mary happy birthday!

Love to all of you,
David and Mary Lynn