Monday, October 12, 2009

Stand By Me

He is allowed to get out of bed today, but still not allowed to walk. He can stand for a few seconds , then is set on a chair with wheels and taken into the shower and bathroom. After taking a shower this afternoon, he said he felt like a new person. Possibly tomorrow he'll be able to walk some; depending on what something in the blood work tells them.

He's ready to get off the morphine because of some of the side effects/problems he's having. He's now on coumadin, (blood thinner) and we're told that he'll be on that forever. Our education began today about diet and many "dos & don'ts" of being on that.

His pain is much better this evening. When I got to his room this morning, he was complaining about sore muscles, especially in the chest area and aching all over. That got better as the day went on. He says now it only hurts when he takes a really deep breath.

As usual his appetite is good and he loves having visitors and phone calls.

Love you all,

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