Sunday, October 4, 2009

Going Smoothly

We're learning fast and everything is going smoothly. We've had two very good teachers/nurses from the home health care. Four times each day, Ray has to have a dose of the antibiotic, which means a small bag is connected to tubing and then goes in through the port. There is also an injection of saline and heparin that also has to be put into the port. This whole procedure takes about an hour. It sounds more complicated than it really is. A couple times today, he has done the whole procedure completely by himself. This will make things much simpler for these next four weeks.

Recovery from surgery has been going very well. There's less soreness with each passing day. He even drove to Mass last night.

There's also a couple Dr. appts. scheduled for this week. Sitting in the waiting room is our social life these days. Well, I take that back; we went to a surprise birthday party this afternoon for a short while. It was great to see many of our good friends that we don't get to see nearly as much as we'd like.

Thanks for all the cards, messages, phone calls, and most especially your prayers. We are so blessed to have so many great friends and great family.

Love you all,

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