Sunday, October 18, 2009

Busy Weekend

Our weekend was a busy one, but a great one. We had a good time with Katie and Veronica here. Neal, Colleen and Seth (and Rascal, too!) were also in town. They were in and out several times and last night we all went to Eric & Leona's for hamburgers. My Mom and Hugh made it up for that, so we got to see them too. We stayed until about 9:00, and then we had to get Ray back home so he could get hooked up to his hose.

The alternator in Katie's car went out just as they were driving into Wichita Falls Friday night. She and Veronica even ended up pushing the car a short distance to Neal's house. Katie called Neal, who was in Amarillo, and he told her where the keys were for his pickup, which she ended up bringing to Amarillo. Thank you ,Lord for Neal! (we don't say THAT very often) Ray sure hated the thought of the car broken down, and nothing he could do about it. You know how he is about fixin' things.

Love you all,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As I have told so many people so many times, "thank heavens (and our parents), for big families, you can always find one near when you need one of them!" You are right, we do not say thank God for Neal very often! I'm glad Katie and Veronica got there safely. Glad Raymond is doing better. Keep up the good work. Love you guys!
Michele and Gene