Tuesday, December 1, 2009

We've Arrived

Everything was great today. We could not have asked for anything better. Our flight into BWI even arrived about 25 minutes early, allowing us to catch an earlier shuttle than we expected into Bethesda. We were told to tell all our friends to fly SW Airlines. Ha! I hope all goes the same for Chrissy tomorrow as she makes her trip out here.

The appts. will begin on Thurs, we plan to spend tomorrow getting acclimated and learning our way around, especially NIH (the hospital/campus). We've got so much to learn.

More later,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you got there in good time. Have a great time just seeing the area. You have some time to sight see. The kids will be great. That's what families are for. You are always in our thoughts and prayers!
Love you guys,
Michele and Gene