Saturday, December 26, 2009

Back In

Ray had to be admitted into he hospital Thursday morning (Dec. 24) after a fainting spell that took us all by surprise. He had been doing so well--we were gearing up for Christmas, but quickly our plans were changed. He received a unit of blood, and soon was ready to go back home, claiming we'd made a big mistake by going to the hospital.

Yesterday, (a different story) was really a rough day for him. High temp (103.1) plagued him for several hours. After putting the I.V. tubing in ice, and cooling him off with wet washcloths, and of course an assortment of drugs were administered, by late afternoon the temp was finally manageable. Now low blood pressure (due to dehydration) is the problem. Around 10:00 last night he had to be moved to ICU. I had already gone home for the evening, but Jenna was here with him.

It's a balancing act with the meds, temp, fluids, etc., etc. I learned too many fluids, given too quickly presents even greater problems. I just left his ICU room (first visiting time 6:00-6:30 a.m.) , and he was resting well. The nurse said he'd had a "good night, requiring little support." I talked to Ray just a couple minutes, he said he just wanted to sleep. What do you think my chances are for getting to talk to the Dr. today--Christmas weekend? We'll just keep fighting the battle. Thank you for all your prayers.

Love you all,

1 comment:

Alvina said...

Hey Ray and Kim. Just checking in and you are in my prayers!
