Wednesday, December 9, 2009

In DC Today

We made it down to DC today and had a great day! We left our hotel around 9:00 this morning and didn't get back until 6:00 this evening. We saw so many fascinating sites, and still only saw a small fraction of what we wanted to see. We tried to do things that didn't require too much walking for Ray's benefit, but we still did so much walking--but we're not complaining. The weather was nice, temps in the mid 50's, mostly sunny. We did quite a bit of hopping on and off the Metro and also a trolley. We're feeling like seasoned tourists now. Can't wait for our kids to visit DC.

Getting away from the hospital and hotel was a good break. In the morning, back to the real reason we're here.
God's blessing on everyone!
Love you all,

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