Thursday, December 3, 2009

Testing, Testing

Many, many tests were done today. Ray was quite surprised with the blood work done very first thing this morning--21 vacutainers of blood were drawn! He first thought it must be some kind of mistake. Chrissy had 17 drawn. They were both kept busy moving from one dept. to another. We returned to the hotel around 5:30 this evening. Chrissy is finished with her screening and will head back to Amarillo early in the morning. Wish she were going to be here longer, but she'll be coming back when it's time for the transplant and be here 7-10 days then. Not exactly sure yet when that will be.

More tests still to be done tomorrow, Mon. & Tues. for Ray. This NIH is an amazing place with so many people, every size, shape and color. People from all over the world and all are here with one goal in mind--healing for themselves or for someone they love. There's definitely a camaraderie among the patients.

Shelley, one of Ray's nieces, lives in Joppa, MD and will be meeting us this weekend. Her husband, Aaron is stationed there, but is currently training in Utah. We're sure looking forward to seeing her. The weather for the weekend is supposed to turn colder and there's a chance of rain and snow. Temps were in the 60's today.

Love you all,


Unknown said...

Like I've always said thank God for big families, you can always find one around the corner. I'm so glad you will get to see Shelley. It will give you guys something else to do, and she may have some suggestions. Take care and we love you!
Michele and Gene

Gia said...

Ray must certainly be getting good at taking tests!
We remainly truly grateful for your post, Kim.
You are in our hearts and prayers all day everyday.
Peace be with you,
Kim and Tim