Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Testing is Done

Ray had two procedures this morning that's got him horizontal this afternoon. Within a two hour span he had a bone marrow biopsy and a lumbar puncture. He said the lumbar puncture (the first one for him) wasn't too bad. The biopsy one the other hand was a different story. He's such a trooper, and takes it all so well. Just watching him endure all this, at times has me in tears. I know I would not be a good patient. He is a very patient patient. As far as we know now, he has no appts. tomorrow. They give an extra day in case more tests need to be done or redone. Thursday is the big day we get all the results. Needless to say, we're quite anxious to find out the plan. Right now we don't even know what we'll be doing Friday. Our return flight is scheduled for Friday, but of course we may be changing that.

We've heard often this past week, mostly from other patients about what a great facility NIH is. I talked at length this morning to a lady from Missouri whose husband had a transplant 3 months ago. She had so much good advice especially for a place to stay long term. She also has young kids at home with Grandma. It's awesome the way God puts these people in our lives just when we need them most. Yesterday we had a great visit with a Lebonese Jesuit priest, chaplain at NIH. He was so encouraging to Ray, telling him not to fear the future and to never dwell on the dark side of the cross he's carrying. Just before we left the hospital today, we ran into a lady chaplain that was so eager to help with anything we needed.

If Ray's up to it in the morning, we plan to head to D.C. and take in some tours. We've been so busy with appts./screening that we haven't been out much, only a couple of short trips to downtown Bethesda. Had a great visit with Doug yesterday afternoon, just wasn't nearly long enough. Thanks, Doug for taking the time to come by. It was great to see you here.

Never take your good health or your kids' good health for granted!
Love you all,


Julie said...

Thanks, Kimmie, for keeping us informed on the blog. We know God is with y'all & everything will be according to His will. So many prayers are being said on your behalf. Sounds like you're both making the best of the situation. Love & Prayers,
Julie & Mark

Unknown said...

So glad to hear that testing is going well and that may be done for a while. Hope you get to go to DC. Tell Ray we think of him often and we will continue to pray for all of you!
Love Michele and Gene

David and Mary Lynn said...

Raymond and Kimmie,

We hope you had a chance to tour DC today, especially the WWII monument since both of your dads were such honorable veterans.

We continue to keep you all in our prayers; we ask God that you receive good news tomorrow.

Love always,
David and Mary Lynn