Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Next Challenge

Ray has been admitted to the hospital to begin what may prove to be his biggest challenge yet. Each round means approx. 30 days in the hospital and he'll have at least two rounds. This regimen of chemo is what the Amarillo Dr. and the NIH Dr. after consultation are prescribing. He will have a break at home between cycles. The Docs feel that in order to gain remission for a third time, the leukemia is going to have to be hit quickly and hard. His blood counts today, showed he's lost ground just since his last tests which were done Thurs. at NIH in Maryland. Plenty of warning has been given to us about the difficulty of this treatment.

It's been a rough day. We can't help thinking of the upcoming holidays and Andy & Britteny's wedding that Ray will have to miss. We also know that one day this will all be behind us and we'll have many holidays and anniversaries to celebrate.

Love you all,


buzz said...

Ray & Kim, know that you are in the prayers of many folks. Hang in there and be blest. Louis.

David and Mary Lynn said...

Stay strong!!! You can do this!!!
You've got a lot of people praying for you!

May God bless you!
David and Mary Lynn

Unknown said...

I'm glad you have a plan. It may not be what you were expecting...to be in the hospital so much, but it sounds like the docs are on the same page. Hang in there! As you say this too will pass and then you get to make the plans!
Love you guys,
Michele and Gene