Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A New Grandbaby!

We have a new granddaughter!! Ava Maria was born this afternoon @ 1:31, weighs 7# 7 oz. She's beautiful. Ryan sent a pic to Ray's phone shortly after her arrival. I know Heather is relieved to have that baby here. I wanted to talk to her this afternoon, but decided to wait and call her tomorrow.

We were able to get around today and do a few things. This morning was spent at NIH going through the admissions process and becoming familiar with the hospital. This afternoon we decided to hop on the Metro (subway) and spent a couple hours in downtown Bethesda. We are feeling much more confident about being able to get around now. This hotel has a great staff that is more than eager to help answer any questions. This hotel also has a complimentary shuttle that goes to NIH and the Metro every 30 minutes. The driver that brought us to the Metro today, explained every detail for us about buying tickets, and where to get off and where to get back on. I suppose we had a lost look on our faces.

Chrissy made it in this evening. She and Ray have an early start in the morning. I better get to bed.

Love you all,


Gia said...

Congratulations to all on Ava Maria!! Our thoughts and prayers are with you guys.

Tim & Kim

Michele S. said...

Congratulations on your new granddaughter! Lots of new beginnings - there's nothing like a new baby to help us through difficult challenges!

God Bless,
Michele S.

David and Mary Lynn said...

Congrats on that new little girl!

Oh, what wonderful smiles those grandbabies place in our hearts!!!

We hope and pray all is going very well for you guys.

Love you lots,
David and Mary Lynn