Tuesday, January 5, 2010


We got Ray home today around noon. The Dr. decided I.V. antibiotics (at home) won't be necessary--oral should do the job. That makes things so much simpler and easier. We do have to make that trip in for blood work every day for a few days, and then depending on the counts possibly onto the outpatient clinic. We're glad to do that as opposed to actually being IN the hospital.

Ray feels good, although he does tire easily and is pretty weak. Just as you would expect after nearly two weeks of laying in the hospital, not to mention chemotherapy. It's going to get better though. The nutritionist gave him a stern talking to about maintaining his weight. I've got plans to do lots of cooking of all the foods he loves. You know what happens though....his weight stay the same or drops, and mine climbs.

Love you all,


Becky said...

You do not have much to worry about with your weight climbing, you looked beautiful at the wedding. Ray so glad you are home.

Love and Prayers,
Becky and Robert

Unknown said...

Yay!! I think I will come and eat at your house. I think I like a whole lot of the same foods Ray does, or I could learn to! I will eat almost anything. Becky is right you looked terrific at the wedding. Glad all went so well.
Love Michele and Gene