Monday, January 4, 2010

Home Tomorrow

We found out just a few minutes ago that Ray will be able to go home tomorrow morning. It looks as though he'll be continuing some I.V. antibiotics and also a daily injection for a while at home. Not sure yet how often he'll have to return to the Dr. for blood tests. We'll be given further details on all that when he's dimissed. It will be great to finally have him back home. Thanks for all your prayers!

Love you all,


Julie said...

We haven't been up to see him lately, since I have a slight cold, and don't want to expose him.
So glad he can come home again for awhile.
You're all still in our prayers.
Julie & Mark

alice said...

Kimmie and Raymond,
Great news! Hope all goes well today. The wedding was beautiful and so much fun!
Prayers continue.
Alice and Doug

Michele S. said...

Happy New Year!! I was so happy to read that Ray was able to watch the wedding - technology is amazing when used for the good. I continue to pray for you all, trusting in the Lord that this year will bring abundant blessings!

With many prayers,
Michele S.