Monday, January 11, 2010

Better & Better

Ray continues feeling better each day. He had another CBC this morning showing his counts continue to improve. In fact, last Friday he was given appt. times to have CBC for Mon., Wed., and Fri. of this week...but since his counts were so improved this morning, he was told he could cancel the Wed. appt. He will return on Fri., and of course more blood work will be done then, and we'll also get results from the biopsy done last Fri.

He really is doing better and better each day. Sunday afternoon he took a walk (1 mile) around the park, and today he did some shopping on his own. Thank you for all your prayers!

Love you all,


alice said...

Raymond and Kimmie,
What great news! Hope all continues to improve.
Prayers for all of you.
Alice and Doug

Michele S. said...

Thank you Jesus, for these moments of feeling better. We praise your Holy Name and pray prayers of thanksgiving for all of the graces and blessings you have and will bestow on Ray and his family! Amen.

David and Mary Lynn said...

YEAH! Good news!

We pray things continue to get better!

Love to all of you,
David and Mary Lynn