Monday, November 16, 2009

We Have A Date!

We talked to our liaison this morning, and Dec. 3rd is when Ray will begin his evaluation in Bethesda, MD. This evaluation will be a week of testing and then the results are reviewed to determine where we go from there. At this moment, we don't know much more than that. Someone will be getting in touch with us to help figure out all the details. We are so excited and yet nervous at the same time.

The appt. with the oncologist this morning went well. All the blood counts are in good shape. Tomorrow is the follow-up appt. with the surgeon to have the staples removed. They do cause alot of discomfort (across the back) when sitting in a chair or lying down. I've offered to remove them for him, but he won't hear of it!

Love you all,


alice said...

Raymond and Kimmie,
WOW! What a milestone it is to have a date! Our prayers will continue for all of you.
Much love,
Alice and Doug

Michele S. said...

WooHoo!!! Thanks be to God! I have goosebumps as I type this message - I am so excited for you all. Continued prayers will be sent your way.

In the love of Jesus Christ,
Michele Spielman

Unknown said...

Yay! Things are moving along. We will keep you all in our prayers!
Michele and Gene

Cyrilla Robb said...

Hip Hip Hooray! That is great news! I am so excited for ya'll; we will keep the prayers coming!

God Bless You,