Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Today's Appt

The staples were taken out this morning, and the surgeon is quite pleased with himself for a job well done and was glad to see Ray doing so well. After visiting with the surgeon, we found out he spent several years training and interning in Bethesda. He's very excited for us that Ray is getting the opportunity to go. He even had some recommendations of some good restaurants we need to try, and some tips for using the subway. These "country bumpkins" are open to any and all suggestions.

We plan to just cruise these next two weeks, continuing the meds. regimen and Ray getting stronger with each passing day. I probably won't be posting again until we have firm plans for the big trip. In other words, life at the Husemans' (on an ordinary day) is pretty boring. We're ready for some boring days for a while. Although when I think of what all I need to do before leaving, I break out in a sweat.

Thanks for all the comments posted on this blog, phone calls, visits, emails and prayers. Each of you have made these times of duress so much easier. Thank you for being so supportive and encouraging.

Love you all,

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