Monday, November 30, 2009

Preparing for Lift Off

The turkey's all gone. The kids and grandkids have all gone back home. It just all went by too fast. We had a great time with all the kids being here, except for Jenna, and all the grandkids were here too at one time or another over the weekend. So much laughing, eating and just having a good time being together.

With the holiday behind us, we're quickly shifting gears and getting packed for the trip to MD. We're flying out tomorrow morning, arriving in Baltimore late in the afternoon and then catching a shuttle to Bethesda. I hope it all goes as planned and flights are on time. Billy will be taking us to the airport. Thank you Lord for large families, this way we can spread our peskiness around.

Daniel is staying with Alan and Chrissy (Ray's sister). What a great guy that Alan is. We're leaving a teenage son with him indefinitely and also taking his wife for a couple days. Mary will be staying with Willie Faye (Ray's mom). Leaving Mary had us all in tears. She's been so worried for these past two weeks about how bad she was going to miss us, and then not being able to tell her exactly when we'll be back makes it even harder. She was excited about getting to stay with Willie Faye all by herself and you know Grandma is always so good to her.

I'll keep you updated each day. Please keep our family in your prayers as we thank God for each of you. Love you all,


alice said...

Raymond and Kimmie,
May God be with you as you travel and see doctors. We will pray as ever.
Alice and Doug

Gia said...

You will be close in our minds and hearts. Please have Willie Fay call Tim if Mary needs someone to pick on her.
There is no request too small and none too large, so if you need anything please let us know.
The Divine Mercy of Jesus be always yours.
Kim and Tim

Michele S. said...

God be with you all as you begin this part of your journey. I will be praying that the transplant process is successful and that Chrissy and Ray will be given the grace of the Lord's healing power!

God Bless,
Michele S.

David and Mary Lynn said...

Raymond, Kimmie and Chrissy,

We hope and pray that you have a very safe and successful trip! May God continue to bless you and guide you through each new day.

Don't hesitate to call if there's anything we can do.

We love you so much!

David and Mary Lynn