Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I need to correct one thing from yesterday's post. The blood levels will not be tested again until Fri. morn when we show up for surgery at 5:30. Only after the test is done, will it be determined whether surgery will be done then or postponed until Sat. Ray received a small I.V. injection of vitamin K this morning which is supposed to help get the PT/INR where it needs to be. Some thing else I didn't mention, Ray gives himself a shot each morning (in the belly)--meds that are going to have him ready for Friday morning.

The phone interview took place as scheduled, so we had the opportunity to speak with the transplant Dr. from Maryland today. He was so encouraging to talk to. We both were elated after speaking with him. He assured us both that this biopsy will go smoothly, and then we'll pursue getting to Bethesda, MD. We later heard from our case liaison, and she also had some great insight, advice and talked to us about the protocol for the transplant.

We have no appointments tomorrow. No sitting in a Dr.'s office or having blood drawn or waiting for test results. Ray plans to go flying with a good friend of his.

Love you all,


Gia said...

Kim, thank you so much for keeping us all updated. I check your blog at least once a day, but I pray for you, Ray and family much more often.
Love you

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, I am so glad he is going flying! He has always had such a fascination with planes. Have fun Raymond! Love you guys!
Michele and Gene