Monday, June 29, 2009

Still Low

Over the weekend Ray had three transfusions of platelets and two of packed red blood cells. During the Dr. appt. today, we found out he was still running low and another unit of platelets and red cells were ordered. He'll continue to have the blood test (counts) done each day this week, and may still need more transfusions.

Boy, this is all we get done. Each transfusion takes 1-3 hours and then there is always so much time spent waiting. I usually just stay with him a short while and then go back later and get him. He's feeling stronger now and should be able to drive himself tomorrow.

In case you have not heard-- we are going to have a new daughter in-law. Andy and Britteny are planning a January wedding!! We're thrilled Britteny will be joining our family. I was always afraid we were going to scare her off.

Love you all,

Friday, June 26, 2009

More of the Same

Just got in from today's Dr. visit. The blood counts had all dropped dramatically. So looks like Ray will be spending the weekend getting transfusions of platelets and packed red blood cells, along with shots to promote the growth of red and white blood cells and start a round of antibiotics. We were looking forward to a fun and exciting weekend and were trying to get out of town for a good party with family, but we realize getting him through all this is priority.

Love you all,

Friday, June 19, 2009

Wonderful News!

We have an answer (kinda) to the big question we've all been asking. Who's the donor going to be?? We learned today that 3 of the siblings are matches!! -- Julie, Chrissy and Billy!! Further evaluation will occur before the final selection is made. We are so very grateful for this progress. I had the opportunity to talk rather lengthy with our liaison from Bethesda. She had lots of helpful info on things to happen in the future.

Yesterday was the last day for this round of chemo injections. Ray's blood counts have remained the same for about 3 weeks. Next Friday, more blood work. It's no wonder the counts are low, as often as it's being drawn.

Ray still has a long road ahead of him, I ask that you continue to keep him as well as the donors in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts and God Bless!

Love you all,

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Day 7

Today is the last day of receiving chemo for this round. We're not sure what to expect for the next couple weeks since Ray's never had this drug before.

The dosage each day is divided into two injections which is given in the belly. After 7 days/two shots per day, he's looking like a bruised pin cushion. The Dr. mentioned next round may be given I.V. through the port so there won't be this soreness and bruising.

Tomorrow we see the Dr. and they'll be closely monitoring the blood counts.

Katie and Rut are driving in tomorrow afternoon and will be here for the weekend.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Chemo Again??

After receiving three units of packed red blood cells this past Sat., the blood counts were much improved today. So much improved that it was time to begin chemo. With today being "day 1" of this round, he'll be receiving chemo for 7 consecutive days and then off for 21 days. Then the cycle begins all over again.

The chemo is given by a simple injection and as an outpatient. This is so much better than being admitted into the hospital. Some of the side affects will still be the same i.e. nausea, blood counts bottoming out, etc. but not as harsh as it has been in the past. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

He's been feeling good this week and his energy level has been good. We're going to try to make it to a wedding in Naz. for a short while tomorrow afternoon. Of course, that will depend on how he feels after his next injection.

Thanks for all your prayers! We thank God for all of you!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

More Chemo

The blood counts continue dropping so Ray will be receiving transfusions tomorrow morning.

His Amarillo Dr. is in contact with the Dr. that will be doing the transplant at Bethesda. We were disappointed to hear what we heard today: the leukemia has to be back in remission before a transplant can be done. What that means is, 3-6 cycles (months) of chemo here before he goes to Bethesda. The Dr. feels confident the leukemia will go back into remission again, just not sure how many treatments will be required. This chemo, so they tell us will be easier to handle than what he's had in the past.

We are somewhat stunned with this news. We were hoping that in 6 months Ray would be well on his way recovering after the transplant. The Dr. told us in April that "none of this happens fast." We're learning what that means.

The Dr. will be calling in a few days to let us know when he'll begin the chemo.

Love you all,

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Due to circumstances beyond our control, we were short two packets for the blood samples needed to test all the siblings. Four of Ray's siblings had their blood drawn today, and tomorrow the last two will be drawn after their packets arrive. We did get the first four shipped today, so those should arrive in Bethesda tomorrow (Thurs) morning. Please pray one of these six will be a match so we can move forward to the next step. If one of these six do not match, a search will begin from the national registry of 13 million volunteers. Isn't it amazing there are that many in the national registry? Thank the Lord there are!

One of Ray's nieces, Amy (37 years old) is also battling the return of cancer. Please keep that dear sweet girl in your prayers.

Love you all,

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Moving Forward

Testing will be done on six of Ray's siblings to see if there is a possible match. This will be done through blood samples that will be drawn here in Amarillo and then shipped to Bethesda. The packets for the blood tests are being shipped to us today, we'll receive them tomorrow, and then try to have them ready to ship back tomorrow evening. It will be two weeks before we know the results.

Ray has an appointment with his oncologist here on Friday to see exactly where his counts are. One big question will be, "Can he continue for two weeks or longer without some kind of treatment?" He is getting weaker and it's my understanding that if some sort of treatment becomes necessary, he will need a two-week "wash out" period before preparations for the transplant can begin. Details. Deatils. Ugh!

Love you all,